Butch: Maybe there's a way to make a profit in this. Harvey: Pick! Butch: I don't wanna shoot with ya, Harvey. Butch: Boy, I got vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals. Silver mines, gold mines, tin mines, payrolls so heavy we'd strain ourselves stealin' 'em. You wouldn't believe what they're finding in the ground down there. Butch: So when I say Bolivia, you just think California. Look, if we'd been in business during the California Gold Rush, where would we have gone? California - right? Sundance: Right. Sundance: Why don't we just go to Mexico instead? Butch: 'Cause all they got in Mexico is sweat and there's too much of that here. That's a country, stupid! In Central or South America, one or the other. Sundance: What's Bolivia? Butch: Bolivia. Sundance: What's your idea this time? Butch: Bolivia. Macon: Hey Kid! Hey Kid! How good are ya? Butch: Like I've been tellin' ya, over the hill. Macon: Why don't you stick around? Butch: Thanks but, hah, we gotta get goin'. So why don't you just invite us to stick around? You can do it, and easy. Macon: I didn't know you were the Sundance Kid when I said you were cheating. What's the secret of your success? Sundance: Prayer. Macon: Well, it looks like you just about cleaned everybody, fella - you haven't lost a hand since you got the deal. ĭialogue Butch: What happened to the old bank? It was beautiful. That's what happens when you live 10 years alone in Bolivia: you get colorful. Percy Garris: I'm not crazy I'm just colorful.It's over, don't you get that? Your time is over and you're gonna die bloody, and all you can do is choose where. I never met a soul more affable than you, Butch, or faster than the Kid, but you're still nothing but two-bit outlaws on the dodge. See, you may be the biggest thing that ever hit this area, but you're still two-bit outlaws. Sheriff Ray Bledsoe: You know, you should have let yourself get killed a long time ago when you had the chance."Not to be a sore loser, but, when this is done if I'm dead, kill him.".The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles.

If he'd just pay me what he's spending to make me stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.Boy, y'know, every time I see 'Hole in the Wall' again, it's like seeing it fresh for the first time, and every time that happens, I keep asking myself the same question, 'How can I be so damn stupid as to keep comin' back here?'.'Whatever Cassidy's eventual fate, with the advent of urbanization and industrialization of the West, this last great outlaw came to symbolize the end of the American frontier and the cowboy way of life.

'Other accounts and rumours allege that they were not involved in this incident and in fact survived in South America, and even returned to America. 'The pair most likely shot themselves after being wounded and pinned down in a farmhouse by local police and soldiers,' says Michael Carroll, author of Retrographic. On July 3, 1901, Kid Curry (left) and a group of men robbed a Great Northern train near Wagner, Montana, taking over $60,000 in cash. Elzy Lay (right), reportedly Cassidy's best friend and the man responsible for the deaths of two law enforcement officials in previous gunfights, was wounded and captured following a train robbery in 1899īut Cassidy and the Sundance Kid evaded detection for several years after the Wild Bunch fell apart by fleeing to South America with Etta Place.īut the pair soon returned to robbing, and they were eventually recognized by law enforcement officials in Bolivia, who surrounded the farmhouse they were staying in as part of a standoff that eventually led to the outlaws' deaths on November 7, 1908.